Monday, March 03, 2014

Giving Up the Internet

How would you feel about giving up the Internet or your cell phone? When Pew's Internet Project asked Americans aged 18 or older how they would feel about giving up the Internet, telephones, or television, this was the percentage who said it would be very hard or impossible to give them up...

Internet: 46%
Cell phone: 44%
Television: 35%
Landline phone: 17%

Source: Pew Research Internet Project, The Web at 25 in the U.S.

1 comment:

Susan Mitchell said...

This is very interesting. I would have guessed higher numbers for internet and cell phone. It's too bad they don't show results for this question by age. I feel sure the share of younger respondents who would have difficulty giving up their cell phones and the internet would be much higher than this.

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