Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Median Household Income in 2012

The $51,017 median household income of 2012 was not significantly different from the $51,100 of 2011, after adjusting for inflation. The Census Bureau released 2012 income statistics today, revealing little change in most figures including age of householder, race and Hispanic origin of householder, and household type. Of the many demographic segments analyzed by the Census Bureau, only two registered a statistically significant change in median household income between 2011 and 2012: households in the West saw their median household income grow by 3.2 percent, and households in the principal cities of metropolitan areas also experienced a 3.2 percent rise in income.

Nationally, median household income in 2012 was 8.3 percent below the $55,627 median of 2007 and 9.0 percent below the all-time high of $56,080 in 1999, after adjusting for inflation. In every year since 2007, median household income has declined—until this year. The finding of no change in 2012 may not be very interesting, but it is good news.

Median household income, 2007 to 2012 (in 2012 dollars)
2012: $51,017
2011: $51,100
2010: $51,892
2009: $53,285
2008: $53,644
2007: $55,627

Source: Census Bureau, Income Poverty and Health Insurance in the United States: 2012

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