Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Differences in Attitudes by Region

On many hot-button issues, the attitudes of non-Hispanic Whites in the South differ from the attitudes of non-Hispanic Whites in the Northeast, Midwest, and West...

Gay Marriage: Only 47% of non-Hispanic Whites in the South think same-sex couples should have the right to marry (56% Midwest, 70% West, 74% Northeast).

Legalizing Marijuana: Only 49% of non-Hispanic Whites in the South favor the legalization of marijuana (58% Midwest, 63% Northeast, 67% West).

Belief in Evolution: Only 40% of non-Hispanic Whites in the South believe in evolution (57% Midwest, 59% West, 74% Northeast).

Religious Fervor: 54% of non-Hispanic Whites in the South say they have been "born again" (32% Midwest, 31% West, 14% Northeast).

Republican Party: 51% of non-Hispanic Whites in the South identify themselves as Republican (44% Midwest, 37% West, 33% Northeast).

Source: 2014 General Social Survey analysis by Demo Memo

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