Friday, May 24, 2019

How Many Men Have Ever Been Arrested?

A surprisingly large number of men have ever been arrested, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics study. To determine how the arrest and incarceration status of men affects their employment prospects, the BLS analyzed data from the 2015–16 iteration of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997. This ongoing survey is tracking a nationally representative sample of men and women who were born from 1980 to 1984.

Percent of men born in 1980–84 who have ever been arrested at age 19 or older, 2015–16
45.1% of non-Hispanic Blacks
37.0% of Hispanics
31.7% of non-Blacks/non-Hispanics

From 32 to 45 percent of men in the 1980-to-1984 cohort have ever been arrested. While most of those who were arrested did not spend time in jail, a substantial proportion did...

Percent of men born in 1980–84 who have ever been incarcerated at age 19 or older, 2015–16
19.8% of non-Hispanic Blacks
14.2% of Hispanics
11.0% of non-Blacks/non-Hispanics

The researchers find a decline in the likelihood of being employed as men's interaction with the criminal justice system increases.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment of Young Men after Arrest or Incarceration

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