Monday, June 01, 2020

Covid-19 Wreaks Economic Havoc

The enormous economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic is laid bare by the Census Bureau's new Household Pulse Survey, which is tracking the impact of the pandemic on the American public week by week. Among adults in households with children under age 18, the 55 percent majority say they or someone else in the household have experienced a loss of employment income since March 13, according to the May 14-19 wave of the survey. Among adults in households without children, 44 percent have experienced such a loss.

The percentage of Americans who report a loss of employment income since March 13 exceeds 50 percent in every age group under age 55...

Percent experiencing a loss of employment income for self or other household member
Total 18-plus: 48%
Aged 18 to 24: 58%
Aged 25 to 39: 54%
Aged 40 to 54: 56%
Aged 55 to 64: 49%
Aged 65-plus: 27%

By race and Hispanic origin, 60 percent of Hispanics have experienced a loss of employment income. The figure is 55 percent for Blacks, 47 percent for Asians, and 44 percent for non-Hispanic Whites.

Most adults with household incomes below $50,000 have experienced a loss of employment income since March 13. The figure falls as household income rises. But even among those in the most affluent households—with incomes of $200,000 or more—a substantial 31 percent have lost employment income during the pandemic.

Source: Census Bureau, Household Pulse Survey: May 14—May 19

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